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Travel to Ranthambhore, arguably the best destination in India to sight Tigers.

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Located at the convergence of the Aravali and Vindhya hill ranges, Ranthambore National Park is one of the finest places to see wild animals.

Here, you’ll find a harmonious blend of human history, natural wonders, and the beauty of wildlife. It's landscape is adorned with ancient relics, remnants of past human kingdoms, including arches, gates, and chhatris, which now stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time.

But Ranthambore is not merely a sanctuary; it's a living canvas where nature paints its most vibrant hues. Along with the the ancient relics and sprawling wilderness, the park proudly hosts a thriving population of majestic tigers.Renowned for its tiger sightings, Ranthambore offers a rare opportunity to witness these magnificent predators in their natural habitat.

How is it?

You are in an ancient forest. A peacock crows his raucous call, big sambar stags stomp the ground in red alert, frogs retreat to the security of the water and chirping birds slump into a lull of silence.

A tiger walks out of the bush and strides regally across the shoreline taking your breath away. And you have witnessed the magic of the emperor who doesn’t rule merely the land but also the hearts of its inhabitants. It’s a timely experience of timeless evolutionary perfection.

But the tiger is certainly not Ranthambhore’s singular attraction. For where the apex of the food chain dwells, a whole healthy ecosystem thrives and thus abounds a great variety of watchable wildlife.

Felines hogging a smaller share of the limelight include the leopard, which is sometimes seen straddling the rocky cliffs and steep ridges under the perilous shadow of its larger cousin; the elusive caracal with its long, tufted ears; the fascinating jungle cat and the diminutive rusty-spotted cat.

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Notable ungulates apart from the ubiquitous sambar and chital are India’s largest antelope, the nilgai or blue bull and the infinitely graceful and rare chinkara or Indian gazelle, which are the kinds of subjects that make photography such a rewarding vocation.Sloth bears, jackals and Indian foxes are in attendance and a burst of fortune can lead to explosively exciting encounters and while Indian and palm civets, ruddy mongooses and the striking striped hyena are not easy to see, their pursuit in the interests of a photographic pay-dirt will keep you very keenly interested.And over 320 species of birds in attendance, including francolins, quails, thicknees, sand grouses and partridges in the ground to minivets, flycatchers, tits, orioles, green pigeons and parakeets in the trees, the avifaunal siege is bounteous enough to keep you riveted as you snake through its magical alleyways in the quest of the king.