
Day 1: Departure from Kolkata and Arrival at the Sundarbans; overnight at the Sundarbans.

We recommend participants to arrive in Kolkata the previous night (Day 0). Our transfers to Sundarbans from Kolkata from around the Airport area begins at 7:00AM. We stop for breakfast and shopping on the way and arrive at Gadkhali by 11:00AM approximately, from where we board our boat to kick start the cruise to reach our lodge deeper in to the ecosystem.

Following your arrival and a scrumptious lunch on the boat, a round of mutual introduction will ensue, after which your Skipper will brief the group on the natural history features and tourist rules of the park and set the tone for the tour.

The agenda for the day is to arrive by lunch and go on our first afternoon boating, enter the jungle and have a short afternoon in the Sundarbans and rest before our busy week begins.

Day 2: Boat expedition starts; overnight at the Sundarbans.

Our day starts before sunrise as we head to our boats and resume our exploration of the mystic mangrove forests. Tigers are at their most active during the early hours of dawn and late hours of dusk, so we seek to utilise the first hour of the day to the most and optimise our tiger sighting chances.

The entire day will be spent to watch and photograph not only tigers, but all the wild inhabitants of this priceless ecosystem. Your Skipper will constantly impart a wealth of useful photography tips, tricks and techniques. Intriguing and interactive, this discussion is bound to open your eyes to many new things you can try on the days to come.

Your Skipper will also constantly monitor the situation and strategize with the guide to maximize tiger sighting opportunities all the same.

Day 3 - Day 5: Scanning the mangroves of Sundarbans and overnight in Sundarbans.

For the next 5 days, we follow the same schedule with variations in strategy and approach if and when required. Your Skipper will always be thinking a step ahead and will collaborate with the guides to take strategic decisions both proactively and driven by need, in an effort to maximise sightings.

Day 6: Drive back to Kolkata and Dispersal.

Having completed a thrilling expedition, we sail to Gadkhali – the jetty where we disembark and from which we drive back to Kolkata and depart for our abodes with myriad pictures and memories.

We expect to be dropped back to Kolkata by 4:00PM. You can book a flight post 6:00PM to your destination.