
Photo Tours

Abundantly rich culturally and architecturally.

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Cambodia, a land soaked in history with cultural treasures, is a travel destination for all history, travel and photography enthusiasts. At the heart of this country, lies the iconic Angkor Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site that stands as a testament to the country's rich heritage and architectural miracles.

The park comprises of temples, majestic palaces, and ancient ruins dating back to the Khmer Empire. The intricate carvings, towering spires, and peaceful courtyards at the temples here captivate visitors with their timeless beauty and architectural splendor.

The park is home to some magnificent temples such as Angkor Thom, Bayon, and Ta Prohm, each bearing its own unique charm and historical significance. Exploring these ancient wonders offers a glimpse into Cambodia's illustrious past and the ingenuity of its Khmer artisans and architects.

How is it?

Our photographic exploration of Cambodia will begin at Siem Reap. Buddhist monasteries there will make for interesting photography subjects and kindle your vision and imagination, coaxing you gently into making evocative images.

At Banteay Srey and Kampong Kleang, take in all the sounds and colours and smells to the point of intoxication and translate what your senses gather into art.

Dedicated to Shiva, the pink limestone walls containing the best bas reliefs of any temple at Angkor, Banteay Srey will charm you. The wooden houses on tall stilts in Kampong Kleang are a delight to watch. At the Tonlé Sap Lake, floating houses and people’s way of living are some amazing details you would want to record as photographs.

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The magnificent remains of the Khmer Empire, the Angkor Archaeological Park will be a breathtaking encounter visually, architecturally and artistically. Explore and photograph the hidden temples, temples of Bayon, Baphoun and Terrace of Elephants and The Leper King. Visit the main temple, Angkor Wat, which is arguably the main reason many visit Cambodia.

In the remains of Roluos Group of Temples, the first major capital of the Angkorian-era Empire, visit the Lolei, Preah Ko and Bakong temples. In Bakong temple area, the largest and the most interesting of the Roluos Group of Temples, there is still an active Buddhist monastery.

Explore the jungle-clad temple Ta Prohm, where the atmosphere is hauntingly exotic with overgrown trees whose roots push stubbornly between the huge stone blocks of the temple and still hold them from falling apart. Watch and photograph yet another exquisite sunset at Pre Rup or Srah Sarong.

Now now, what fun if you didn’t wander off into some offbeat places in a foreign country! These are the ruins that aren’t frequented often — Koh Ker (a beautiful jungle temple) and Beng Mealea (meaning ‘lotus pond’ in Khmer). Depictions of scenes from the Hindu mythology are carved in these temples and make for some spectacular photographs.