
Photo Tours

We welcome you to Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, a birder’s paradise.

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Wander into the captivating realm of Keoladeo Ghana National Park, a park that invited both nature enthusiasts and bird lovers alike. Located in the landscapes of Rajasthan, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a haven teeming with around 350 avian species, promising a mesmerising experience for wildlife enthusiasts.

As you step into Bharatpur, prepare to be enchanted by the harmonious melodies of vibrant kingfishers and the graceful dance of Sarus Cranes.

Lose yourself in the tranquil charm of the wetlands as they come alive with the symphony of nature, captivating every visitor who ventures there.

Join us on this magical journey to Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, where every moment is filled the promise of discovery.

How is it?

When Sir Peter Scott described Keoladeo Ghana as “the world’s best bird area” he wasn’t given to hyperbole. For such are the treats in store here that it’s hard to think of a place that is more rewarding to the seeker of winged wanderers.

A wader’s paradise, Bharatpur lets its feathered guests have a field day, and its long list of winter-meet attendees features the bar-headed goose, gadwall, shoveler, grebes, and ducks, including the comb duck and the lesser whistling duck, which are in large numbers.

Northern pintails and greylag geese roost in the thousands while marsh harriers prowl the air looking to eat one of them. In the quest for fish, kingfishers perch patiently on a branch near water, black-necked storks walk through it hoping to stun one, and Oriental darters snake in and out trying to scoop one out.

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The list of hooting callers features the brown hawk owl, collared scops owl and dusky eagle owl, and to photograph the spotted owlet, hardly a better place can be conceived, as they welcome the rising sun.

Steppe, tawny, greater and lesser spotted and crested serpent eagles constitute the distinguished raptors, while so do the black-shouldered kite, shikra, white-eyed buzzard and Oriental honey buzzard among others.

Storks are aplenty, and come in the open-billed, painted, black- and woolly-necked format, while herons are purple and grey, and ibises are black and glossy.

Greenshanks, stilts, sandpipers and jacanas hang out at the waterfront along with common coot and common moorhen, white-eared bulbuls adorn the bushes, and yellow-footed green pigeon and Eurasian wryneck decorate the trees.

Coppersmith barbets are not averse to approach, common hoopoes pose delightfully with erect crests, and white-breasted waterhen can often be shot with a wide-angle lens!

The smaller birds are not left behind either. European and Indian rollers abound, while Indian nightjars perch still on discreet branches, white-browed and red-throated flycatchers show themselves endearingly, and citrine wagtails, bluethroats and brown shrikes entice with their eponymous colours.

But saying that Bharatpur is all about birds is like claiming that the Himalayas are all about snow-clad hills. Never short of surprises, a day’s walk in the Ghana can yield cherished sights of jungle cat. Besides, jackal and Bengal monitor lizard encounters are exceedingly common, nilgai (blue bull) are commonly seen, and the park is one of the best places in the world to photograph the Indian rock python.

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