3 Great Kabini wildlife packages and tour itineraries

3 Great Kabini wildlife packages and tour itineraries

January 12, 2021
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The mesmerising forests of Kabini have enthralled various kinds of people from all over the world. Be it a wildlife photographer, a naturalist, a nature lover, a traveller or even a huge crew of filmmakers from the National Geographic channel, Kabini has charmed them all! But when people search online for a Kabini wildlife package, they see a mind-boggling number of options that either do not suit their taste or are just confusing.

We don’t blame the Internet for that. With so many queries regarding places to stay in Kabini, Kabini wildlife packages, tourist places in Kabini, Kabini vacation packages etc, even the Internet can get a little dazed! This is exactly where Toehold can help.

With over a decade of experience with organizing tours to some of the world’s most popular destinations, Toehold boasts of thousands of happy clients who have brought back not just great memories, but also an in-depth knowledge of the place they visit. If they are on a photo tour, they get an added bonus of practical photography knowledge.

Toehold’s skippers have been leading tours to Kabini for over a decade. To learn more about why Kabini is held so dear to our hearts, check out our “Why We Love Kabini” blog. Guided tours, with some of the most experienced guides, are what make Kabini wildlife tours with Toehold, one of a kind!

As you must have already guessed, Toehold caters to different kinds of travelers, depending on the way they want to experience the forest. Photo Tours, for people interested in photography; Guided group tours for people interested in nature and wildlife, but not necessarily photography, and Custom tours, for people who want to travel on their own terms, with our help and expertise. So, let us help you choose the tour that fits your taste!

Kabini Photo Tours

A Photo Tour is a tour that mainly focuses on photography learning and execution. On a photo tour, Toehold’s team of award-winning photographers guide you through the nuances of photography by delivering effective instructions and hands-on assistance. The participants of this tour learn effectively while having the time of their lives.

Kabini is famous for the frequent sightings of its spectacular big cats and other mighty animals. This provides photographers ample opportunities to learn, experience, and practice capturing stunning images. If you would like to read about some of the tips and tricks that our skippers use to get the glorious images you’ve seen, check out our  tips for a Big Cat Safari!

Toehold’s renowned Photo Tours are so much more than the safaris. Every day, the Skippers conduct light-hearted photography sessions, passing on invaluable lessons to the participants, while also sharing stories from their years of adventures in the field. They ensure that the participants not only go back with great memories but also are given the best tools to make outstanding images!  

Key features of this Kabini wildlife package-

  • Photo tours to Kabini are led by award-winning, world-class wildlife photographers. The participants in these tours get an opportunity to watch these masters at work and imbibe their skills.
  • These packages are designed specifically for Wildlife photography enthusiasts. Their progress in photography is accelerated because of the on-spot guidance provided by the skippers.
  • The skippers also conduct off-field photography sessions during the tour. This helps the participants to not only be well prepared in the jungle but also equips them with a deeper understanding of photography.        
  • The participants of this tour not only have great fun, but they also gain a wealth of knowledge in the process.  
  • Most importantly, photo enthusiasts on this tour get an insight into the mind of a world-class photographer. Seeing the master-photographer in action, the photography enthusiasts can learn from the way they think and react in a given situation, to compose a beautiful image.

Kabini guided group tours

Guided group tours are for people who like to explore new places with like-minded people. These tours have fixed departures and are a safe and fun way to travel for both individuals and family.

Kabini is known for its marvelous wildlife and offers spectacular sightings throughout the year. To know more about the best time to visit Kabini, read our blog “When is the best time to go to Kabini”. A guided group tour enables its participants to fully immerse themselves in the wilderness.

Innumerable Group tours to Kabini have been organised by Toehold. They are for anyone interested in nature and wildlife. Guided by an experienced tour guide, the participants in these tours need not be interested in photography. Group tours to Kabini are guided by experts who know Kabini like the back of their hand! Tourists in these packages get the advantage of the economics of group travel without compromising on the safety and quality of the experience.  

Key features of this Kabini wildlife package:

  • Guided tours are led by experienced tour guides who are passionate about the wildlife of Kabini. They take the participants’ interest to the next level by guiding them through the various intricacies of the jungle!
  • These tours have the ideal group sizes that strike a perfect balance between efficiency and budget. Guided tours provide the best qualities in an economical way.
  • These tours are safe and are family-friendly. On a guided tour, like-minded people meet and have a lot of fun during their trip. New and lasting friendships are formed over the course of this trip!
  • Traveling with like-minded people does not just beget a lot of fun. In this case, it also brings about a lot of learning in the process. Toehold’s guides share their wealth of knowledge with the participants, thereby increasing their love for nature and wildlife.

Kabini customised tours  

Customised tours are tailor-made holidays that suit the personal requirements of families and individuals. Designed exclusively for the customer, this package offers the customer the luxury of choosing the date of the tour, the way he/she wants the tour to be organised, and also the place the customer wants to stay at. Read our blog “Top 5 Resorts in Kabini”, to get some suggestions on people’s favourite resorts in Kabini.

In Customised tours to Kabini, the tourists enjoy the advantage of everything Toehold has to offer when it comes to guidance, experience, and subject matter expertise. This service is aimed at individuals or families who want to travel on their own dates and prefer their own style of travel. Customized tours to Kabini can either be a photo tour or just a guided tour for those who just want to enjoy the splendid wildlife of Kabini.

Key features of this Kabini wildlife package:

  • On customized tours, travelers can customize their entire travel. They get the flexibility of choosing the dates on which they wish to travel, their place of stay, and also the class of travel. This is ideal for families and individuals who want a tailor-made holiday, to suit their personal needs.
  • Toehold plans the entire Kabini trip based on the needs of the client- be it for a family, a group of friends, or just an individual. The client gets the advantage of everything that Toehold has to offer in terms of guidance, experience, and subject matter expertise, not only during the planning but also during the tour.
  • People who want to customise their tours with Toehold can opt for a photo tour if they’re into photography. If they wish to explore and know more about Kabini, without wanting to learn photography, they can opt for a customised guided tour.

Final Thoughts

People these days are always looking out for the perfect place to get far away from the bustling chaos of the city. They want to get their share of pristine nature, with like-minded people. Are you looking for an offbeat getaway too? Look no further! Kabini is the best offbeat location you can visit and come back with great vigour. The enchanting Kabini forest, the serene backwaters, and, to top them all, the thrilling safaris inside the jungle are something no words can describe. They easily satiate our desire to indulge ourselves in nature.

Travel to Kabini has been made easier by Toehold, by catering to different types of travellers. In guided tours and photo tours, the participants don’t have to worry about their places to stay in Kabini, food, or safaris, as they are included in the package. In custom tours, the traveller can choose where he/she wants to stay, when he/she wants to travel, and under whose guidance he/she wishes to travel, and Toehold takes care of everything else. All the traveller has to do now, is to select a package that suits him/her the best, and leave the rest to Toehold.

Book tours with Toehold to Kabini and enjoy your travel like never before!

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We would love to be the ones to take you to Kabini. Check out our Kabini travel offers and get in touch with us to plan your next trip!

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